Wednesday, November 16, 2011

November 15 - Teaching

 I am thankful...

Newman Elementary - Salt Lake City - Interned in 1st and 4th grades
Amelia Earhart Elementary - Provo - Student Taught in 3rd grade
Spring Creek Elementary - Provo - Student Taught in 4th grade
Settler's Point Elementary - Gilbert - Taught 4th grade
Oak Tree Elementary - Gilbert - Taught 3rd and 4th grades

that I have the most amazing job - teaching!

I would love to have posted pictures of all of my students, 
but since I could not do that, I figured this at least represents all of the classes I've taught.
I have to admit, I have had some really hard classes.  I have had principals tell me they have 
never seen a class quite like this one.  I've had them promise I will 
never again have such a difficult class.
It's happened a few times.

I don't say this to complain, but rather to point out that even having spent a majority of my
time teaching some really challenging classes, I still LOVE my job!
(I know a lot of people can't say that - so I consider myself lucky).
I'm so grateful that I've had the opportunity to teach and more importantly learn from
hundreds of amazing students.  It is pretty awesome to spend your day
with children - they have this really interesting way of
teaching you exactly what you need!

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