Friday, March 30, 2012

Six months

Lately, all I want to do is cry when I look at this girl!
I seriously can't believe how grown up she has already become.

In spite of that, we really love waiting for the milestones!

Some info about our six month old girl:
- 92 percentile all the way around
- green or brown eyes...depending on the day
- sleeping in her crib, finally finished!  (made my gpa skinner)
- still enjoying her baby food, and also tried some real food.  she is not picky!  
- constantly chewing on her hand and whatever else she can get in her mouth
- loves to hear her own voice.  the louder, the better!
- still loves the pacifiers
- can put her pacifier in her mouth, on her own!
- awake most of the day
- rolling constantly
- sleeps on her tummy
- loves her jumperoo
- cannot stand being in her carseat (screams on most car rides)
- first time in the snow!  spring break at the cabin.
- first baseball game
- constantly moving
- still wakes up with a grin on her face
- sitting up

Love getting to know my Emme babe!
It is hard to believe such a small person can have such a big personality!
We can't wait to see her continue to express it.

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