Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Mr. McKay

So as you know, there was been a Mrs. McKay for quite some time - a year and four months to be exact.  While some of my students still call me Miss Skinner, most of them like the idea of Mrs. McKay as much as I do (or they are finally in the habit of calling me that).

Well now there is a Mr. McKay!  

Robert had the chance to interview for a teaching position at ASU and they thought he was right for the job.  So now we have two teachers in this house!  How cool is that?  He is teaching WPC101, an introductory course to the business school, at ASU for the fall semester.  So far, so good!  He loves it!

I have to admit, it has been pretty great for me as well!  I have someone to grade papers with, and I think he even understands some of the frustrations in the life of a teacher.  haha

Meet Mr. McKay
(doesn't he look professional...aka handsome?)


Jeanne and Nelson said...

Way cool, congratulations.

marian said...

Very cool, and there is nothing like a little teacher empathy! (this is cousin Marian by the way!)

Kim Skinner said...

hey stephanie! just saw your blog link on dan and marie's (didn't know you had one). love your blog. it'll be fun to keep up.